unused weights, forgotten, we turn to tust, iron turns to rust, our muscles sag, and our saggy bits will..;
I will be for my sins, at the Climbing and Outdoor show in Friedrichshafen. I will be at Grivel stand, you can come and ask me sensible questions, or non sensical ones. I will also be at the American Show, so American buddies I will be with my friends at the Liberty Mountain Booth representing Grivel.
hollow bellies its got a fab name in another language from a far away place.
Its summer time hopefully theres new gear for me to look at, good German beer to slake my thirst.
A mat for the dag is always a good idea.
Yoga every morning, breathing, a walk with the dog, a few shekels to buy some food, a dirty pair of shorts, a climb or two…..such are the things that make me happy……a swim, a dive, flowers…..