I'm a woman

I'm a woman
Photos copyright Laurence Gouault
No reproduction on other media without the photographer's permission.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Group think, climbing, Swimming and Corona, by Stevie stay climbing Haston.

I invite you all to report me to the authorities for climbing in the time of Corona, I invite you to publicly pillory me, go on you know you want to. Despite it not being illegal  here, there are little snoopers,  good little Stazi who seem to have a hard on for me being crucified. Well go on do it, get on your phones, I will be out swimming.

Stuck at home are we?

Some nice sensible sentient beings I was talking to recently about group think , Double Speak and taking what governments and the World Health Organisation tell you as gospel. Goebbels would be laughing if he saw what's going on to day, perhaps not about Corona but assuredly about much else. Who knows the truth nowadays its a product instantly sellable. You want the opposition candidate smeared or crowned with anti Semitic notions-well done, we will do it say the obedient media.  

 You are being watched, you know it. This fossil rock so beautiful, is it a camera, is it real, or is it just another google tool watching you?
As you go out of the house for your prescribed amount of toilet rolls beware the neighbours are watching, but they are redundant, your phone is doing it all.

My garden is doing well, I have the luxury of having one, some fresh vegetables too, oh great. But what of the people stuck in a single room, no internet nothing to occupy their empty little sad lives, can't they go and sun themselves in the park and do some pull-ups on a tree-well of course not. The Greater Good.

The sea is spectacular at the moment.

 Climbing is my right, it's a right of people to work, some people even talk of a right to happiness. There is no statistical evidence of a problem in my country, so I will continue my life.  

I am climbing here with an Italian  man, he has no right to travel to see his two old parents in northern Italy. This was his first 7a, it took his mind off his parents being trapped in a tiny village with far away friends.

I encourage people to keep 2 meters away from people, and take precautions against giving each other the Flu, or corvid 19, or what ever. I encourage people to take reasonable and sensible precautions, and I encourage people to look up Groupthink, its real folks please beware.