I'm a woman

I'm a woman
Photos copyright Laurence Gouault
No reproduction on other media without the photographer's permission.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Tipping Points, by Stevie Tipsy Haston>

So, you know that the world will, and is not conforming to CO2 control, you know that life is on a slow but accelerating slide to overpopulation, incineration and very, very, bad things. What should you do? Have faith in politicians, or take your small savings out of the bank, and just go climbing. Thats a no brainer. If you have to ask your self you are an ostrich, except your head is not in the sand.

Not the Three Legged Man!

This is me feeling happy, swimming diving and a bit of bouldering, Egypt.

Denise and I, clever feet, ankles, knees, hips, torso, shoulders, we are a chain of movement that results in cool movement called climbing if we are lucky, or we are a catastrophe.

 A great cliff with 6a to 8b+, getting washed

 a little light abseiling....

 Where darkness and light meet, the border between dreams and normal, the happy place, move or plummet..

A beginners sea cliff getting sorted..

Aunt Rosa just died, she is free from pain at least.