I'm a woman

I'm a woman
Photos copyright Laurence Gouault
No reproduction on other media without the photographer's permission.

Friday, 8 March 2019

Hello is it me your looking for? By Stevie Haston.

My computer has blown up, if you need to employ me try again. I offer many services to do with rock climbing. Anyway while my computer blew up, and I moved house I somehow managed to do 23 new routes! I need a bit of help with buying bolts, and glue, and keeping my own gear up to date. Please donate on my donation button at the top of the page if you are in a position to do so. Thanks to Rob from Bavaria for helping me clean and do some of the routes-let the good times roll.

 Lovely rock, easy routes for the most part although there is an 8b in the arch for the strong and clever of foot.

Indian Rope trick doesnt always work or is that a racist phrase now?

More lovely rock.....

So much rock so little time! My shoulder gets a little better by the week but progress towards old fitness seems a light year away,perhaps I will be happy with half fitness for once. I prepared a few really nice muscular routes near my new house to inspire me to get back on the Monkey Grindstone-lets see what the summer will bring.