I'm a woman

I'm a woman
Photos copyright Laurence Gouault
No reproduction on other media without the photographer's permission.

Friday, 22 March 2019

Friends, enemies, combatants, clowns, by Stevie serious Haston

When you do word association you sometimes can get some real nice combos, like Politicians and garbage, or Rock and happy place! Sometimes my happy place is with people, I have various people I like to climb with, more than I used to for sure.

Denis looking good, he is a very cool headed Tech Diver ...

I have changed the colour of the balls, face is still puce and perhaps more florid.

 Didi in Alaska a few years ago, sad to think there will be some mountains with out their snow soon due to Global warming and greed.

Doesn't the Isle of Man have a three legged Man as its symbol? This leg is now the belay of the obviously named Three Legged Man. Gozo joke.

A young doctor from Cambridge going airborne..

Some of you don't like me using the S word, but hey people, and institutions are, or can be stupid. Here is an example of Stupid. Gozo replaced a safty rail, and it lasted a few weeks, I saw a guy nearly die. Money wasted, plastic, chemical foam, building rubbish thrown into the gorge, all STUPID.

 Two young guys, first abseils, first outdoor climbing = big success.

zee new cat, adopted, it was dying, covered in
 excrement, just a bag of bones, it is now master of the house!