I'm a woman

I'm a woman
Photos copyright Laurence Gouault
No reproduction on other media without the photographer's permission.

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Climbing opposes boredom and disgust with todays corruption. By Stevie Haston.

Its about this time of year I get my dancing shoes on and start trying. Maybe I should join the Stone Spear group of climbers who demonstrate against bad things. Theres always been a bunch of climbers somewhere who weren't so lazy that they would just sit there and do nuffing while shit hits the fan. I am too old and ineffective to do much . If you are reading this and your young and bold think about doing something, dont break the law but do something. Even climb something and use it as a protest. Hell climb Everest put up a banner, except most of the people on it will be voting for the Republican Party or the Conservatives.

 Dancing shoes - hey my sponsors send me some new dancing shoes! Please.

 Ears are for listening with, good advice, people pay me for advice and work all the time whats happened to other sectors?

 Cracks anyone? A couple of these have been done, but not all.
Its also the extension to a 2 kilometre traverse of mine at this point you have to go up and traverse high. 
 Some of you will know where this is haha, its a thing called the inclines in Llanberis Pass, you run up these inclines, pumping it out and on the the summit of the green hill/mountain above, Old School training.

Bitch tits appearing gotta go on a diet.

 The diet of non champions.

 The abb into the Underworld a guy called Face and I used to escape up this route in trainers at the end of long days, I would lead clipping as little bits as possible with a drill he would follow with a bigger humping load, then we would refresh in the nearest village on fermented grape juice.

A nice little brief moment between days.... hopefully I have a few more days left unlike democracy in some countries, protest!