The Interstate is more of a soul renacher, the big trucks the big cars, they scream consumerism and excess… but its what feeds me, its the modern dilemma. The sign which says Las Vegas is very tempting to take, avoid the Climbing Trade show and go straight to climbing!
Danger humans this sign should have said.
Effectively I did avoid the trade show-between the kindness of my bosses, a bit of clubbing in Maple Canyon was arranged with Big Narhan. Nathan now does guide books and media for climbing brands, employ this man he is good.
Maple Canyon is a place I love, its conglomerate climbing with often long pitches or big roofs, it has a habit of getting you fit, Not in one session however-one session will often destroy you.
Sector Zen Garden, I had last climbed here 15 years ago with Laurence Gouault.
Ah memories, so many of my memories are in America.
What a pleasant belay seat.
The show was very good for me, met lots of friends, and did my stuff well-even if I do say so myself! Unfortunately I didn't see Steve and Cynthia, so if you are reading this, I am sorry, very sorry. I might see you in the winter, ice climbing may be re invented for me, and whiskey and ice will suffer.