The carry strap on the side is handy for moving it around like a case, or throwing it up into the overhead bins.
The side next to your back is generously padded for a light pac of this size, 2.1 kg, or 76 oz. Don't expect it to carry like a rucksack, it carries like one of the big camera bags, I don't find this disagree able for short walk inns. It's got a waist strap, and a chest strap.
The inside is the big feature, it opens like a case, which I find totally brilliant for hotel rooms or the crag floor under routes. It square shape makes it un knock able, it doesn't roll etc, its stable and thus contains it stuff as thus becomes your climbing base.
Along with the case lid entrance comes pockets and a gear rail/rack. Again these are brill feature if like me you have lost loads of kit over the years by being careless, no more excuses.